
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Great news for team members… Popwork makes it much easier for managers to respond and share feedback when they receive check-in answers!
Popwork now suggests feedback templates accessible in one click. This will help managers share feedback and guide them with a simple and effective structure.
Manager feedback
This new feature is part of a broader ongoing effort to help managers react and respond when receiving check-in answers.
In the coming days, managers will also be able to add quick emoji reactions on specific answers, giving them a full range of feedback options.
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey there 👋
Check-in scheduling just got easier. Now, simply (i) pick the date of your next 1:1 meeting and (ii) select its frequency, and that’s it. Popwork will take care of sending check-in reminders ahead of this date.
Check-in scheduling
This is the first step to make the scheduling of rituals more intuitive. More to come at the beginning of next year!
Others improvements:
  • Fixed issue with display of profile picture on iOS and Safari
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey there 👋
We’ve just added a read receipt at the top of each check-in to show when the manager has read the answers.
This small addition is part of a broader ongoing effort to improve the way managers can react to check-in answers. We believe reciprocity is key in the manager - team member relationship: we will soon be adding a new and more immediate way for managers to share feedback.
Read receipt
Another cool addition shipped this week: the automatic upload of your Google profile picture if you sign-in with a Google account and have no avatar yet on Popwork.
Other improvements:
  • Improved UX of objective question in check-in
  • Fixed issue when sharing an objective status update
  • Fixed display issue when closing or deleting an objective
  • Fixed issue with in display of the answers menu
  • Added an error message if a user tries to access a check-in with the wrong account
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey folks 👋
We have just added the possibility to share reciprocal feedback on closed objectives.
Team members can now close objectives from their check-in, set a closing status (ie. met, partially met, not met, deprioritized) and share a closing feedback. The manager will then be invited to share their own feedback and confirm the final status.
The other way around works as well - if the manager closes the objective (from the objective drawer), then the team member will be invited to share feedback in the next check-in containing the Objectives update.
Feedback will be shared with the rest of the check-in answers, and closed objectives can be found in the Objectives views, under the Closed tab.
Close objectives
Other improvements:
  • Fixed issue when logging out from Google
  • Users now have access to Insights history of archived relationships
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hi folks 👋
Following on the recent addition of three new indicators to support adoption of best management practices (ie. check in regularly, provide feedback, set objectives), we have enriched the team overview table.
Overview table
Now, you can quickly visualise these key indicators for all your teams or direct reports in one table. As a manager or admin, it can be accessed from your Dashboard.
Other improvements:
  • Fixed issue with display of label in insight views
  • Insight shared are now between two persons, not within a team
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟


Navigation & access

with Google 🔌

Hey there 👋
Big news for Google users, you can now sign-in with your Google account in one tap. No need to request a login link anymore!
Login with Google
Other improvements:
  • Fixed issue with missing title, description and date in objectives drawer
  • Fixed scroll issue on objective drawer
  • Fixed an issue with paywall display
  • Improved the format of objective status update question in check-in
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hi there 👋
We have introduced three new indicators to help managers visualise their management best practices (check in regularly, provide feedback, set objectives).
Management insights
These new insights are available at the organisation, team and individual levels. In the coming days, we will also be adding them to the Team overview table.
Other improvements:
  • Improved loading times of My organisation dashboard
  • Fixed a bug regarding notifications for comments on action items
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey folks 👋
Following on last week’s improvements on the objectives module, we added new views to help managers and team members access their objectives.
Managers can now access their teams’ objectives in one click from the left menu and add objectives from there. Team members can also access their own objectives from the same menu.
Last but not least, the objective tab on each profile has been revamped and now shows open and closed objectives.
These new views are available at individual and team level.
Teams objectives
In the coming days, we will be adding a simple workflow to help managers and team members share their feedback when closing an objective.
Other improvements:
  • Fixed bug on duplicated check-in answers
  • Blocked check-in answer when connection is lost
  • Fixed small issue on “Skip” answer button
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey folks 👋
We just pushed a series of improvements on the objective module.
The look and feel has been refreshed and you can now click on an objective and see the full status history as well as the objective details in the side panel.
In the coming days, we will be adding new views of current and closed objectives at individual and team level.
We are also working on adding a simple workflow to help managers and team members share their feedback when closing an objective.
Other improvements:
  • Adjusted the mood benchmark according to internal data (>50% being good, and >70% excellent)
  • Made some improvements to the mood insights calculations
  • Added a tooltip with assignee name on action items
  • Fixed a display issue in the header of the check-in page
  • Fixed small display issue on onboarding view
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Hey folks 👋
We constantly receive a lot of (positive) feedback regarding all the management resources we share on LinkedIn, so we decided to make them available to all Popwork users.
To start with, we wrapped them up in a comprehensive library which you can access from the Popwork interface. Simply click on
Management Resources
at the bottom of the left menu.
As a manager, this will help you find answers to your most pressing management questions or grow your management skills.
Management resources
See for yourself, and pick the topic that interests you:
Going forward, we aim to add more actionable management tips across your journey using Popwork, and eventually make them pop at the right moment.
Other improvements:
  • Team settings (edit members, rename, delete) can now be accessed more directly from the left menu - simply hover on team name
  • The Help Center is also more accessible at the bottom of the left menu
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
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