One of Popwork’s objectives is to help you share relevant information in a simple and structured way.
(1) New text editing engine 🚅
To deliver on this promise, we decided to rebuild a
brand new rich text editing engine
relying on the most promising technology out there. It took us a few weeks of hard work but it’s now live. As of now, you will benefit from
a much smoother typing and editing experience
when completing check-ins or writing notes.
(2) New rich (yet simple) text editing features 📝
  • Bold, italic and indent
    to better organize information
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    to be more productive
  • Copy and paste
    from anywhere
  • Drag and drop
    check-ins’ answers to notes (with the possibility to delete it)
(3) Paste hyperlinks and images 🖼
  • Hyperlinks
    to point to external content
  • Images
    to share dashboards or screenshots
(4) And more exciting features to come soon 😎
Soon, leveraging on this new technology, you will also be able to start a
conversation thread
from any check-in answer and label any topic as a
point for discussion or for action
... This should have a big impact on the way teams share feedback and follow up on Popwork.