We've just added new insights to the Popwork manager dashboard!
Workload evolution over the past 3 months πŸ‹οΈ
First, we've added the chart of your team's workload over the past three months. This will enable you to instantly gauge how your team has been feeling on this topic.
To see the
Workload satisfaction
chart, simply go to your team's
Workload satisfaction
Most selected mood answers 🌈
On top of this, we've added a chart of the most selected mood answers. This enables managers to easily visualize which words have been chosen by their teams over the last 3 months to define their current mood.
Wether positive or negative, this gives managers the insight they need to understand qualitatively how their team members are really feeling. Managers don't need to take the same actions when their teams are stressed, frustrated or disappointed and this is why we've made it easy to see.
Most selected answers
Other improvements:
  • Fixed a bug preventing some email reminders to be sent
  • Fixed a bug affecting the display of rituals in the timeline and side menu notifications
  • Fixed a translation issue on check-in starting page
  • Fixed a bug preventing the display of some workload answers
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🀟