

Delete an objective 🎯

Quick but important addition - we’ve just added the possibility to
an objective. This may be relevant if you like to get rid of an open objective, and not only
To Delete an objective, go to Select a view > Objectives > Edit > Delete.
Popwork can help you reflect on the progress of your objectives on a monthly basis. By objectives we mean, what you want to achieve in the medium to long term (e.g. next quarter).
If you already have clearly defined objectives, no need to reinvent the wheel: simply copy-paste them into Popwork. In the second half of each month, Popwork will request through the check-in a quick status update for each objective. To share progress, ask for support or raise a red flag.
On a separate note, it’s now also possible select answers if you like to copy and paste content somewhere in or outside Popwork ;)
If you like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟